Sunday, April 4, 2010

Conference Day Lunch

Mom and Dad turned me on to the website, where I found this recipe for Stir-fry Mu Shu Vegetable with Chicken. I plan on taking the leftovers for lunch this week.

I took a bite before taking the picture. It was good. I don't know if I recommend the Hoisin sauce. It has a flavor that is strange to me...but, overall it was delicious. You could substitute like a sweet-and-sour sauce if you wanted. Oh, and I also substituted squash for zucchini because that's what I had on hand. Mmmm.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Apartment Tour

A tour of my apartment. These pictures are from when Mom and Dad were here for the white coat ceremony. Mom drove out with me, and Dad flew out a few days later. As you may remember, my landlady is an eighty-year-old woman named Barbara who was climbing out on the roof the first day I met her. She could be a whole other post.

My room is my favorite part of the apartment. I especially like the "French doors."

Dad in my bedroom.

Cute bench in my room. The house is old, and I think a lot of the stuff here (as well as the house) has been handed down through the generations. The furniture is mostly nice antiques, with some couches from the 80's.

The living room. If this couch weren't covered, you would see clearly that it is from the 80's.

My desk that I brought from Utah. This is an old pic. This desk is actually in my room now.

Dad! (In the dining room).

My small kitchen. It works.

A part of my bathroom is pictured here, and is also very small. Picture an airplane bathroom with a tub. Okay, it's slightly bigger than that. Slightly.

The view from the balcony/fire escape in the dining room. Mom, Barbara and some guy talking in the yard. That's Barbara's red truck and the white structure on the right is where I park.


This is for all the people in my family whose blogs I enjoy. I am a bit of a hypocrite for telling you all to post more. I love keeping in touch by reading your thoughts, looking at where you live, where you go, what you cook and eat, and the people in your lives. I decided the communication should be mutual. Plus, I want to be part of the twenty-first century and have some way of posting pictures if I want to show you something. I can't promise I will be cute, clever, profound or even interesting, but I think this is arguably one of the more thoughtful modes of regular correspondence of our time, something roughly equivalent to the writing of long letters in the days before computers. But there's also the "log" aspect to it, which functions as a sort of public journal. So, we'll see.

I AM in med school, so if I don't post for months on end, it's because I'm in a vortex of anatomy, physiology, pathology...but I'm looking forward to a chance to organize and communicate my thoughts. Then, I guess I'm not promising it won't sometimes be the ramblings of a confused mind. Maybe it will merely be the record of my slow descent into insanity. But why not live the "examined life?" I love you all!
